Lessons from the Needles & Making PB with Love

9 Tue, 2010 § 11 Comments

The only needles I was familiar with growing up were on the sharp end of a cactus.  I knew how to work a “hook” & crochet a bit, but knitting alluded me.  Just a few years ago, I would often stop by the yarn store & browse colors & textures…& play make believe.  What could I make with these?  A new chalk bag?  A lovely sweater?  A simple headband?  I would scan the learn-to-knit class schedule & debate over whether I should just do it already.

Then I met Ashley.

[She’s on the left; I’m in the visor.]

Honest.  Sincere.  Outspoken.  Thoughtful.  Driven.  Intelligent.  Reliable.

She Climbs Rocks…& she Knits.

How perfect is she?

So my best friend taught me to work the needles & this simple practice has truly enhanced my life.


Lessons I have/am learning on the needles:

Contentedness. I picked up on the “knitting” aspect fairly easily; my fingers were not getting “purling” though, so initially I just “knit”…scarves…perfectly content at my skill level or lack thereof.  Enjoy the moment & don’t get too ahead of yourself.

Appreciate & acknowledge others. Knitting is a time-consuming & expensive pastime.  Many charge high rates for lessons & help — as they should.  Does Ashley know how grateful I am that she took the time & had the patience to teach me & correct my mistakes?  Does she realize how much her basic instruction & introduction to the needles added to my life?  We need to make sure people realize what they mean to us & what they bring to our lives.

Don’t over think — let your intuition have a crack at life. I dropped the needles for a few months & didn’t make time for knitting while focusing on other things.  When I picked them up again, the “knitting” clicked; but, I couldn’t quite remember “purling”.  It had been so difficult before; how was I ever going to get it without my tutor?  Watching tutorial videos online, I debated between English & Continental styles; I would think I had it, then just confuse myself further.  Finally I closed my browser & simply grabbed some yarn & needles.  My fingers knew what to do.  They could “purl”…I just had to let them.  In our western world, it is easy to over-analyze & have to logically reason every aspect of life & our decisions; often we will come to [more accurate] realizations sooner if we just trust our ability to sense it.

Working outside my comfort zone. As “content” as I was to simply “knit”, branching out from basic scarves to more extravagant scarves to less-than-ordinary wash cloths to mittens to headbands has expanded & brightened the experience.  Whether I am teaching myself to cable, increase/decrease, create a thumb hole or read & follow more advanced patterns, the next step always makes the basics even more fun.  Pushing beyond what we are comfortable doing — whether it turns out like we expect or not — is the only way to grow & progress.

Sometimes I am the type of person I want to be….sometimes not. I have learned a lot about myself while knitting, like where my patience lies.  Some days I will sacrifice comfort for stark pain as Bodhi sits, enraptured, on my forearm.  Try to knit with a 13-lb cat sitting on your arm.  Ouch.  I tell myself it’s forearm training for climbing 😉 Really, I just like bonding with Bodhi.  Other days, Dave has to hold me back from inflicting serious harm on the mischievous whiskered twins’ [Christine’s cats] during their reign of terror.

Mind you, this was securely hidden in the bottom of my bag & discretely tucked away.  Ten minutes — ten minutes alone, & they had found & completely unraveled & tangled my lovely ball of yarn.  We can only take each day & moment as they come…& try to make actions that are in line with who we want to be. [I don’t want to be a person who kills cats 😉 ]

Tedious labor is good for the soul. Knitting is methodical.  I love listening to audio books & embracing the chance to expand my knowledge; sometimes, I enjoy sitting in silence, simply experiencing the yarn coming together.  I spend a lot of time in my head, letting my mind wander.  Find quiet “you time”, not only to destress, find peace & inspiration, but to become acquainted with yourself.  It’s important to be able to stand your own company. 😉

[I have to give credit here.  Though I had typed this up before seeing Nienke’s life lesson post, she said it in her #3 better than I could…& I was inspired to reword my title.  Thanks Nienke.]

Experience life & share that with others. It is amazing to watch the strand become more. This is life.  You start simply, with one strand — one idea or notion — & create beautiful experiences interwoven & connected. I love sharing this with others.  As the holiday approaches, I have been anxious to finish Dave’s scarf so I can begin working on gifts.  I am excited to share those here, but won’t be posting photos until after Winter Solstice.  I would love to share these with anyone who is looking for a little inspiration for simple knitting projects though.  Just email me if you can’t wait until January!


Speaking of gifts…

enjoying the experience…

& developing patience…

Homemade Nut Butter

but not just any old buttah —

Homemade Double~Roasted Maple~Kissed Peanut Butter

  • 1 C Peanuts, unsalted [I could not find raw, hence the “double-roasted”]
  • 1 T Maple Syrup

Drizzle maple over peanuts, toss & spread onto a cookie sheet.

Roast in 350*F oven ~10 minutes until lightly golden & maple has started to crystallize.

Cool slightly, but it’s ok if they are still on the warmer side.

Into the food processor…&…go!

First, it will become a meal.

Eventually, the oils will start to break down into a thicker, more moist meal, but will still be crumbly.

Continue processing & scraping down as needed.

As the oils break down further & become thicker, add

  • 1 T Maple
  • 1 tsp sea salt

& keep processing…

…& processing…

…& processing…

It seriously take ~15 minutes for the oils to completely break down into that creamy goodness.

Definitely a lesson in patience…which might not be as pointed if I had a regular food processor which I could walk away from…but since it broke, I have to use my mini food processor with the Smart Stick Hand Held Blender attachment.

That’s right; I have to hold the button the whole time.

It’s almost there!

I often begin to lose faith & question if it is really breaking down.  Stop?  Give up?  No.  Just keep doing what you are doing — it will work.

I promise.

There is something so rewarding about reaching that creamy, glossy state…

& sharing it with others.

So now find a cute container.

Add an extra special touch.

Give it to someone who will appreciate all the labor & love that went into making something so seemingly simple, yet decadent.

~ Happy Birthday Mom ~

[I hope this reached you safely & you enjoy it.]


What are your quiet, “me time” pastimes?  Do you make gifts?

VOO Parfait–it’s ALL I want

19 Mon, 2010 § 8 Comments

So, what on earth is VOO?  Vegan Overnight Oats of course 🙂  I love muesli, but often after a few days of eating raw oats, my tummy doesn’t seem to completely agree.  It’s so hot out, cooked oatmeal does not appeal at all.  This overnight stuff though?  Perfect!  After soaking the raw oats, my tummy agrees & my taste buds love it too!

Now, if you’ve heard of Banana Soft Serve & have yet to make it, kick yourself; kick yourself all the way to those unused bananas on the counter & make it.  Gina’s right: it will change your life–& it’s too simple!

Each of these are terrific alone — & I would probably partake from time to time — but I was not ready for the amazement of VOO Parfaits: a combination of these two dishes.  Wow, wow & wow.  I can’t get enough, & it’s just what my body craves on these hot, hot, hot summer mornings [& some afternoons].  Here I have created a cooling, afternoon delight — with fresh figs from California — that Dave & I shared after a long, hot bike ride on Saturday.

I simply stir sunflower seeds & pepitas (pumpkin seeds) into my VOO; spoon half the mixture into the bottom of a deep cup, place half a chopped fresh fig over that, then layer with half the Banana Soft Serve, repeat.

Banana Soft Serve [are you ready for the simplicity?]:

  • Bananas–however many you want–I use one as a small serving
  • Peel, cut into pieces & freeze.
  • Place in the food processor & blend until smooth, about 5 minutes, stopping to scrape down as needed.

Now make it yours!  Mix in nut butter or other fruit [I want to try raspberries); almond or rice milk; chia seeds to thicken it; carob powder.  Top with nuts, cacao nips, coconut flakes, etc.  Or simply enjoy the simplicity of the frozen bananas, which is how I like it in my parfaits.

Vegan Overnight Oats [VOO] I usually just scoop/pour & guess, but here are some approximates I’ve adapted from Angela’s version; just play around & decide what you like best.

  • 1/2C Thick-Rolled Oats
  • 1T Chia Seeds
  • 1/2dose(2T) plain Hemp Powder, or other [flavored] protein mixture  [I’ve been forgetting to add this lately & need to make a point of remembering, because I want the added protein], optional
  • 1/2C-1C Unsweetened Almond or Rice Milk [I error on the lower end because I like my VOO thick; I actually pour to just cover the oat mixture]
  • optional stir-ins: cinnamon & sea salt [I think these are essential & accent the flavor greatly, but you decide], vanilla extract, other spices
  • Combine all ingredients, whisk together  [I think the longer you whisk the thicker it will be] & place in the fridge overnight.
  • In the morning, give VOO a quick stir, adding nuts & seeds if desired.

17 August ~ Parfait Update!

I just made one of my favorite VOO Parfaits ever!  Extra Whipped PB & J!  Ok, so there really is no jam — though you could definitely stir that into your VOO — but the local strawberries I have are perfect.  They are tiny, dark & sweet without being tart.  Local produce is the best!  Have you had PB Banana Soft Serve yet?  It reminds me of those ice cream candy bars I use to have as a kid.  Just blend Peanut Butter into your soft serve; I let it blend extra long today to give it a truly whipped texture.  Yum.  In general, I normally stick to Almond Butter but it is just not the same in soft serve.  I am keeping a little PB on hand just for this. 🙂

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