Desert Trip!

19 Tue, 2011 § 3 Comments

I am in need of simplicity.

[photo by David Finch]

To be honest, we live pretty simply; but there is something centering about the desert & a long camping trip — Dave & I have both been craving this!

We have all but been counting down the days to our upcoming Creek trip.

Indian Creek, Utah is one of our favorite climbing destinations

& where Dave & I exchanged our vows.  I have talked about The Creek before:

1.  Here is a glimpse of why Indian Creek is so cherished.  This camping trip differed from the usual & opened our eyes to a different perspective of IC.

2.  Many people find the desert boring; these people are crazy. 😉  I find a sense of peace in its austerity, & I always learn something about myself among it sparseness & resilience like I shared in this post.

I am sure I will have more to share after our Spring trip!


Do you find the desert beautiful?  Any camping trips planned?

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§ 3 Responses to Desert Trip!

  • Julia says:

    Like you, I find the desert to be incredibly inspiring. I’ve shared some amazing memories in the Utah and Arizona desert, on camping trips during high school. I can’t wait to take Tyler to those places.
    We don’t have any concrete trips planned, but are hoping to get out in May after my finals are over and then we want to take a bigger trip hopefully to Utah or Arizona later in the summer. I wish we could make more hard and fast plans, as I’m really craving the outdoors right now.

  • […] eluded to our camping trip, which we thoroughly enjoyed…last Tuesday through Sunday.  I prepped a couple posts, hit […]

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